Saturday, August 31, 2013

Introduction to the Colony of Peace and Love

In the colony of Peace and Love we live by the Latin expression "Semper Fidelis" which means "Always Faithful" or "Always Loyal" in English. If we make a commitment to someone we will go through with it exactly how we promised. We will never harm or betray anyone who is loyal to us. We have left our Mother Country of Spain for North America in hopes of achieving not only social freedom but a refuge from poverty as well. With this move we plan on trying something entirely different as far as our interaction with the Native Americans go. Instead of conquering their land and destroying their people, like many before us, we've decided to form an alliance with them. Former experiences have shown that working against these people is not helping and not seeking some sort of help from them is stifling any chance we have at succeeding. Together we can reform Virgina into  a safe haven for Native Americans and other Americans alike. To our understanding there has been slavery in Virgina for quit some time and we are starting with the intention of going against the institution of slavery because one of the reasons we left Spain was because we were not living our lives the way we wanted to and we believe that all humans have the right to live how they want. Working with Native Americans has made it a lot easier to form this certain type of colony. They have taught us how to live off the land and their system of trade. While we have learned things from them they have taken an interest in certain areas of our lives like our religion of Roman Catholicism and a great deal of them have decided to convert to it. When people around the World hear of our colony we want them to feel an inner peace that makes them want to accept everyone around them just how they are and for what they can offer.

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